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Data Models


Data models, like class models, define the behaviors (actions/views) that can be performed over data, but without tainting the data itself with $modelType. This however comes with some disadvantages as well, namely:

  • The model instances are created lazily and when needed rather than eagerly.
  • The only life-cycle event hook available, onLazyInit, is run lazily, this is, the first time the data model wrapper is created, rather than eagerly.
  • Reconciliation is somewhat worse due to the lack of an ID property to uniquely identify the instances.

That being said, they have some use cases (for example to represent a backend response that does not include $modelType yet needs to be modified locally and eventually sent back).

Your first data model

Data models are defined in a similar way to class models, except that they use DataModel instead of Model. One thing to note though is that default values for properties are only applied when using new over plain objects (i.e. not tree nodes):

// the model decorator marks this class as a model, an object with actions, etc.
// the string identifies this model type and must be unique across your whole application
export class Todo extends DataModel({
// here we define the type of the model data, which is observable and snapshotable
// and also part of the required initialization data of the model

// in this case we don't use runtime type checking
text: prop<string>(), // a required string
done: prop(false), // an optional boolean that will default to `false` when the input is `null` or `undefined`
// if you want to make a property truly optional then use `x: prop<TYPE | undefined>()`

// if we required runtime type checking we could do this
// text: tProp(types.string),
// done: tProp(types.boolean, false),
// if you want to make an optional property then use `x: tProp(types.maybe(TYPE))`
}) {
// the `modelAction` decorator marks the method as a model action, giving it access
// to modify any model data and other superpowers such as action
// middlewares, replication, etc.
setDone(done: boolean) {
this.done = done

setText(text: string) {
this.text = text

get asString() {
return `${!this.done ? "TODO" : "DONE"} ${this.text}`

Note that there are several ways to define properties.

Without runtime type checking:

  • prop<T>(options?: ModelOptions) - A property of a given type, with no default set if it is null or undefined in the initial data passed to new.
  • prop<T>(defaultValue: T, options?: ModelOptions) - A property of a given type, with a default set if it is null or undefined in the initial data passed to new. Use this only for default primitives.
  • prop<T>(defaultFn: () => T, options?: ModelOptions) - A property of a given type, with a default value generator if it is null or undefined in the initial data passed to new. Usually used for default objects / arrays / models.

With runtime type checking (check the relevant section for more info):

  • tProp(type, options?: ModelOptions) - A property of a given runtime checked type, with no default set if it is null or undefined in the initial data passed to new.
  • tProp<T>(type, defaultValue: T, options?: ModelOptions) - A property of a given runtime checked type, with a default set if it is null or undefined in the initial data passed to new. Use this only for default primitives.
  • tProp<T>(type, defaultFn: () => T, options?: ModelOptions) - A property of a given runtime checked type, with a default value generator if it is null or undefined in the initial data passed to new. Usually used for default objects / arrays / models.

Data model rules

The rules that need to be followed to declare a data model are:

  • Data models have to be decorated with @model and require a unique across-application ID for the model type.
  • They have to extend DataModel, which in TypeScript requires the type of the data that will become observable / snapshotable / patchable.
  • This data (that is observable and part of the snapshot) can be accessed / changed through this as well as this.$.
  • Model actions need to be used in order to be able to change such data.
  • Never declare your own constructor, there are life-cycle events for that (more on that later).

Of course primitives are not the only kinds of data that a class model can hold. Arrays, plain objects and other objects can be used as well.

Note that there is one more rule that really sets it apart from class models.

Data models are conceptually wrappers around actual data object nodes. This means that when creating an instance via new you are really creating a wrapper over the data node (or a new data node if it was not one). Also this means that you can't insert the model itself into a tree, but that you must insert the data being wrapped instead (accessible through model.$).

Creating a data model instance

An instance of the todo data node plus its wrapper model can be created like this:

const myTodo1 = new Todo({ done: true, text: "buy some milk" })
// `myTodo1.$` will hold the data object that can be inserted into a tree

Note that if the input data is a tree node then myTodo1.$ will be exactly that same data tree node passed in the constructor. If it is not a tree node then myTodo1.$ will be the toTreeNode version of the passed data object. Also, multiple calls to new over a same data tree node will return the same model instance every time.

All this means that usually you will just pass the data around and only do a new over the data whenever you need to modify it.

Some examples:

const todoList: ModelData<Todo> = [...];
// usually we would use `todoList[x]` to access the data ...

// until the moment we want to edit a particular todo
const editableTodo = new Todo(todoList[x]);
editableTodo.setText("hi there")
// once done we can just "throw away" the editable instance
const todoList: ModelData<Todo> = [...];

const newTodo = new Todo({ done: false, text: "" })
// ...
newTodo.setText("buy milk")
// note how we insert into the tree the data, not the model itself!

Automatic class model actions for property setters

Most times, the only action we need for a property is a setter. We can use the prop modifier withSetter() (withSetter("assign") has been deprecated) to reduce boilerplate and generate property setters. For example, the model above could be written as:

export class Todo extends Model({
text: prop<string>().withSetter(),
done: prop<boolean>().withSetter(),
}) {}

const myTodo = new Todo({ text: "buy some coffee", done: false })

// this is now allowed and properly wrapped in two respective actions
myTodo.setText("buy some milk")

If for some reason you still require to change these without using a modelAction consider using objectActions.set, objectActions.delete,, arrayActions.push, etc. if needed.

Life-cycle event hooks

Data models only support a single limited life-cycle event hook:

  • onLazyInit(), which is called the first time new is called to wrap a certain data node in the life-time of the application.

If you need something that runs more consistently consider using onChildAttachedTo over the data node parent itself.

Runtime data

Runtime data (data that doesn't need to be snapshotable, or that needs to be tracked in any way) can be declared as a usual property. Nothing special is needed.

class SomeModel extends Model({...}) {
// non-observable runtime data
x = 10;

setX(x: number) {
this.x = x

// or observable in the usual MobX way
y = 20;

setY(y: number) {
this.y = y

Note that this runtime data holds to the same lazy creation rules as the data model wrapper instance itself.

Getting the TypeScript types for model data

  • ModelData<Model> is the type of the model props without transformations (as accessible via model.$).

For example ModelData<Todo> would return { text: string; done: boolean; }.

Flows (async actions)

While @modelAction defines sync model actions, async model actions are possible as well with the use of @modelFlow:

interface Book {
title: string
price: number

class BookStore extends DataModel({
books: prop<Book[]>(() => []),
}) {
// TypeScript version

// note: `_async` is a function that has to be imported, we have to use `this: THISCLASS`
fetchMyBooksAsync = _async(function* (this: BookStore, token: string) {
// we use `yield* _await(X)` where we would use `await X`
// note: it is `yield*`, NOT just `yield`; `_await` is a function that has to be imported

const myBooks = yield* _await(myBackendClient.getBooks(token))

this.books = myBooks

// JavaScript version

// we use `function*` (a function generator) where we would use `async`
*fetchMyBooksAsync(token) {
// we use `yield* _await(X)` where we would use `await X`
// note: it is `yield*`, NOT just `yield`; `_await` is a function that has to be imported

const myBooks = yield* _await(myBackendClient.getBooks(token))

this.books = myBooks

// in either case it can be used like this
const myBookStore = new BookStore({})
await myBookStore.fetchMyBooksAsync("someToken")

Factory pattern / Generics

If you are not relying on tProp to do runtime type checking it is possible to use this pattern to get generic classes:

class GenericPoint<T> extends DataModel(<T>() => ({
x: prop<T>(),
y: prop<T>(),
}))<T> {
setXY(x: T, y: T) {
this.x = x
this.y = y

class Generic3dPoint<T> extends ExtendedDataModel(<T>() => ({
baseModel: modelClass<GenericPoint<T>>(GenericPoint),
props: {
z: prop<T>(),
}))<T> {
// ...

If you rely on tProp (and also prop really) a different possibility is to use a factory pattern with data models. For example:

function createModelClass<TX, TY>(modelName: string, initialX: TX, initialY: TY) {
class MyModel extends DataModel({
x: prop<TX>(() => initialX),
y: prop<TY>(() => initialY),
}) {
setXY(x: TX, y: TY) {
this.x = x
this.y = y

return MyModel

const NumberMyModel = createModelClass("NumberMyModel", 10, 20)
type NumberMyModel = InstanceType<typeof NumberMyModel>

const numberMyModelInstance = new NumberMyModel({}) // this will be of type `NumberMyModel`
numberMyModelInstance.setXY(50, 60)

const StringMyModel = createModelClass("StringMyModel", "10", "20")
type StringMyModel = InstanceType<typeof StringMyModel>

const stringMyModelInstance = new StringMyModel({}) // this will be of type`StringMyModel`
stringMyModelInstance.setXY("50", "60")

Note that the above will only work when not generating declaration maps. If you need to generate declarations (for example for a library) then it is a bit more tedious, but still possible:

export function createModelClass<TX, TY>(modelName: string, initialX: TX, initialY: TY) {
const MyModelProps = DataModel({
x: prop<TX>(() => initialX),
y: prop<TY>(() => initialY),

class MyModel extends MyModelProps {
setXY(x: TX, y: TY) {
this.x = x
this.y = y

return MyModel as ModelClassDeclaration<
typeof MyModelProps,
setXY(x: TX, y: TY): void


Model inheritance is possible with a few gotchas.

The first thing to bear in mind is that data models that extend from other data models must use ExtendedDataModel rather than the plain DataModel. For example:

class Point extends DataModel({
x: prop<number>(),
y: prop<number>(),
}) {
get sum() {
return this.x + this.y

// note how `ExtendedModel` is used
class Point3d extends ExtendedDataModel(Point, {
z: prop<number>(),
}) {
get sum() {
return super.sum + this.z

Also, remember that if your base model has onLazyInit and you redeclare it in your extended model you will need to call super.onLazyInit(...) in the extended model.

If you want to extend a generic class, then you may want to use modelClass in order to specify the exact generic like this:

class X extends ExtendedDataModel(modelClass<SomeGenericClass<string>>(SomeGenericClass), { ... }) { ... }

If you don't it will still compile, but the generic will be assumed to have unknown for all its generic parameters.

Usage without decorators

Although this library was primarily intented to be used with decorators it is also possible to use it without them.

To do so you can use the decoratedModel function as shown below:

// note the `_` at the beginning of the name to distinguish it from the decorated version
class _Todo extends DataModel({
text: prop<string>(),
done: prop<string>(),
}) {
// note how here we don't decorate the method directly, but on the next parameter instead
// @modelAction
setDone(done: boolean) {
this.done = done

// @modelAction
setText(text: string) {
this.text = text

// @computed
get fullText() {
return `${this.done ? "DONE" : "TODO"} - ${this.text}`

const Todo = decoratedModel(
// the string identifies this model type and must be unique across your whole application
// you may pass `undefined` if you don't want the model to be registered yet (e.g. for a base class)
// here we pass what we would use as decorators to the class methods/properties above
// if we want to use multiple chained decorators we can pass an array of them instead
// note that any kind of TypeScript-compatible decorator is supported, not only the built-in ones!
setDone: modelAction,
setText: modelAction,
fullText: computed,
// needed to be able to do `SnapshotInOf<Todo>`, type a variable as `Todo`, etc
type Todo = _Todo
// if `_Todo` was generic then it would be `type Todo<T> = _Todo<T>`

const myTodo = new Todo({ done: false, text: "buy some milk" })