Function applySerializedActionAndTrackNewModelIds

  • Applies (runs) a serialized action over a target object. In this mode newly generated / modified model IDs will be tracked so they can be later synchronized when applying it on another machine via applySerializedActionAndSyncNewModelIds. This means this method is usually used on the server side.

    If you intend to apply non-serialized actions check applyAction instead.

    Type Parameters

    • TRet = any


    • subtreeRoot: object

      Subtree root target object to run the action over.

    • call: SerializedActionCall

      The serialized action, usually as coming from the server/client.

    Returns {
        returnValue: TRet;
        serializedActionCall: SerializedActionCallWithModelIdOverrides;

    The return value of the action, if any, plus a new serialized action with model overrides.