Class BaseDataModel<TProps>Abstract

Base abstract class for data models. Use DataModel instead when extending.

Never override the constructor, use onLazyInit instead.

Data Props data type.

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (View Summary)






"[propsTypeSymbol]": TProps
$: Flatten<{ [k in string | number | symbol]: TProps[k]["$valueType"] }>

Data part of the model, which is observable and will be serialized in snapshots. Use it if one of the data properties matches one of the model properties/functions. This also allows access to the backed values of transformed properties.


  • Parameters

    • Optionaloptions: { withData?: boolean }

    Returns string

  • Performs a type check over the model instance. For this to work a data type has to be declared as part of the model properties.

    Returns null | TypeCheckError

    A TypeCheckError or null if there is no error.